Wednesday 7 April 2010


After developing my ideas further, I refined my initial plot summary to create a full synopsis. The synopsis tells the reader what happens in the film chronologically however it does not give away twists or surprises that will put them off watching the film.

"Dylan was only 8 when both of his parents passed away having been involved in a fatal car accident. After being put in a care home and then fostered, Dylan was never the same again. The loss of his parents had an extreme effect on Dylan as he chose to not go out or socialise and instead decided to stay at home playing video games all day. Life just seemed hectic with problems at school and outside of his room, within the household. However, what did leave Dylan going was his games console. By the time he reached 18, he had completed every violent game that was out. In the period of 10 years, he built up this anger that he wanted release. The hatred for his parents influenced his decision in wanting to plot murders and his first target being his mum. Due to Dylan’s sadistic mind, he didn’t intend on stopping. He confused reality for the virtual world and began living in a virtual reality."

Before being able to create a synopsis for my film, I had to research into other plot summaries.

Researching existing slasher horror plots helped me in gaining the knowledge of protagonists, stock characters and also typical storylines of slasher horror films. I was then able to use this research and apply it to the plot synopsis of Game Over. I discovered all of the protagonists are villains and male. In every plot summary that I analysed, the protagonist was a violent killer, and seeked to kill teenagers. Stock characters consisted of mostly female teenagers or teenagers who engage in drugs, sex and alcohol.

This influenced me when I created the plot synopsis for Game Over as I adhered to the convention of the protagonist, as our killer is male and also seeks to kill specific targets. Normally, the killer stalks members of the young community, however, this is where I challenged conventions as those who he targets are not your conventional stock characters.