Thursday 29 April 2010

Evaluation (3)

What have you learned from your audience feedback? 

After having created our first draft to our trailer, I considered that feedback would be vital and could influence any changes to the trailer. Several different ideas were gained from discussing the draft with students and family members. From this, I aimed to get different opinions and see what negative feedback would lead me to consider any changes and what was currently working. The consensus was the lack of a voice over was successful and the simplicity of the plot was mysterious and engaging, it needed to be tied together with some sort of flag posts through out the trailer so the computer graphics where introduced to carry the viewer through.

Those who watched our finished trailer did give us good feedback and liked the use of the quick edited shots, atmospheric sound effects and use of light and imagery, as well as the theme of the Killer being a disturbed computer gamer. Those who said they would not watch the film were not horror fans however had positive feedback on the overall effect of the teaser trailer.